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Pet Photography Course

​Gain access to the Master Plan for Thematic Pet Sessions and achieve your first 5k with themed sessions, even if you’ve never done it before!

Pet Photography Course

​From basic to advanced in a straightforward way!

Curso fotografia pet

​Suitable for: Photographers who want to increase their sales with themed shoots and profit from seasonal events.

​In the COMPLETE Master Plan for Thematic Pet Sessions, you will have:

Módulo de Fotografia Temática Afetiva com aulas objetivas para quem não tem experiência neste subnicho

​Planning Module with the DPEA methodology to plan and execute thematic pet sessions efficiently and profitably.

​Plan Implementation Class: A detailed step-by-step guide to applying the methodology and achieving results.

Perfeito para: Aqueles que querem transformar suas sessões fotográficas em verdadeiros sucessos financeiros durante todo o ano.

You are losing money every time you:
Don’t use an effective strategy for themed essays and fail to explore incredible opportunities.

Eu sei que você já cansou de não ver resultados concretos de seus esforços e sentir que suas sessões fotográficas não estão atingindo todo o seu potencial.

Isso ainda acontece porque pode ser que você não tenha um plano claro e estruturado para garantir o sucesso dos seus ensaios temáticos.

Mas, existe um caminho para você alcançar resultados financeiros incríveis com ensaios pet temáticos e lucrar o ano todo com ensaios criativos.

E é isso que você vai encontrar no Plano Mestre de Ensaios Pet Temáticos.💰

​Everything you will find in the


Learn how to structure and execute thematic shoots profitably.

$ 597

Pet Photography Course


Detailed step-by-step guide to applying the methodology and obtaining your first results.

$ 497

Pet Photography Course
Pet Photography Course

​Affective Themed Photography Module with objective classes:

  • Equipment,

  • How to set up a mobile studio,

  • How to capture emotions,

  • Pricing and budget,

  • Sales methods,

  • Best-selling themes,

  • Rehearsal time management,

  • DIY - Do it yourself,

  • Christmas Pet Rehearsal in practice,

  • Creative editing tricks

$ 997,00

​Bonus Material:

  • Pricing spreadsheets, packages and financial control,

  • Marketing Library

  • Calendar themes to sell all year round

  • Overlay for Photoshop,

  • Themed brushes for Photoshop,

  • Exclusive Preset to apply to your photos,

  • Bonus Class: Overdelivery

  • Bonus Class: How to sell albums and other products.

$ 397

Pet Photography Course
pincel photoshop fotografia pet
overlay para fotografia pet

No total, tudo isso deveria custar:  R$ 2.488,00

We understand that those who are starting out in the profession usually start with little and the cost of the equipment itself is high. That's why today I want to make a commitment to you, and prove to you that yes, it is possible to transform your themed pet shoots into a consistent source of profit by investing in quality knowledge at an affordable price!



R$ 46,28*

​Masterclass Master Plan for Themed Pet Shooting

Master Plan Implementation Class

​Implementation Framework in Notion

or $ 397,00

​Master Plan Version (Planning)

​Implementation Framework in Notion

​Masterclass Master Plan for Themed Pet Shooting

Master Plan Implementation Class

Módulo Fotografia Temática Afetiva com aulas objetivas:

  • Equipamentos,

  • Como montar um estúdio móvel,

  • Como capturar emoções,

  • Precificação e orçamento,

  • Formas de venda,

  • Temas mais vendidos,

  • Gerenciamento de tempo de ensaios,

  • DIY - Faça você mesmo,

  • Ensaio Pet de Natal na prática,

  • Truques criativos de edição


Versão Plano Mestre Completo
(Planejamento +

$ 69,59


or $ 597,00 

​               +

Bonus Material:

  • Pricing spreadsheets, packages and  financial control,

  • Marketing Library,

  • Calendar themes to sell all year round,

  • Overlay for Photoshop,

  • Themed brushes for Photoshop,

  • Exclusive Preset to apply to your photos,

  • Bonus Class: Overdelivery

  • Bonus Class: How to sell albums and other products.

​Sell themed pet photoshoots all year round to clients who value your work, just like ours, and make a living from this profession!

curso fotografia pet
  • O Planner é específico para Fotografia Pet?
    Sim, o Planner foi desenvolvido exclusivamente para Fotografia Pet, mas suas estratégias podem ser adaptadas para outros nichos.
  • Como acesso o Planner após a compra?
    Após a compra, você receberá um link exclusivo em seu e-mail para acessar o conteúdo no Notion. Não é necessário ter uma conta PRO, basta ter um cadastro gratuito na plataforma.
  • Os bônus estão disponíveis imediatamente após a compra?
    Sim. Neste material você terá acesso imediato aos bônus, incluindo a Análise de Resultados e Bancos de Títulos.
  • O Planner é adequado para iniciantes na Fotografia Pet?
    Sim, o Planner foi elaborado para atender a todos os níveis de experiência, desde iniciantes até profissionais.
  • Quero aprender fotografia pet, vocês ensinam?
    Sim! Para saber mais, basta acessar a aba "Para Fotógrafos" no menu ou clique no botão presente na home;

7-Day Unconditional Guarantee

We are so confident that the Themed Pet Photo Shoot Master Plan will transform the way you plan and sell your photos that we are offering a 7-day, risk-free guarantee. This means that you can access the content, apply the strategies, and if within that period you decide that the course is not for you, simply send a request to my team and we will refund 100% of the amount, no questions asked.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!


Aprenda com especialistas

Olá! Somos Clara e Arthur

​Our passion is photographing pets, and we have been doing this for over 8 years. Since we were children, we have loved animals deeply, but we realized that we did not have memorable photos of our own pets. We decided to turn this passion into our career and, to be successful, we dedicated ourselves to studying and training intensely.


In 2015, we founded Duetto Fotografia Pet, with a special focus on the well-being of pets. Our goal was to offer more than just beautiful photos, we wanted to provide unique and personalized experiences for our clients and their beloved pets. Over the years, we have met over 1,000,00 pets and their incredible families, all with their own unique personalities and characteristics, but united by love. ​That is how, over the years and experience in the market, we have developed our own method of affectionate pet photography.​


In addition to our work, we want to share our knowledge with other professionals interested in becoming experts in affectionate pet photography, believing that anyone can achieve success with the right guidance.


Our journey as pet photographers has been an incredible experience, and we are excited to help other photographers fall in love with this art. ​


If you are ready to embark on this journey with us, join us and let's transform the pet photography market!



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